Getting Better Offers!

The more information you choose to give us about yourself e.g. you like coffee, the latest fashions, shopping or the latest gadgets, then the more specific your benefits and exclusive offers will be.

If you choose to take the time to complete our sponsored "questions" section we can make YOUR offers more rewarding and specific to you and your family.

Once registered, simply log into your "touch2win" profile, go the "Getting Better Offers" tab and click "next". You can then chose which sections are relevant to you and which partners you are likely to visit whilst out shopping and therefore which are most likely to benefit YOU.

Complete the quick and simple questionnaire sections and press submit. It's as easy as that. You will now get BETTER tailored offers when visiting your preferred and selected outlets.

  • Example 1: If you tell us you like "Tennis" when you touch2win in a sports shop we will select and text you the very best deals on the latest rackets or this year's Wimbledon must haves! If the sponsor is running a prize draw for exclusive Wimbledon tickets, by "touching in" you will automatically be entered.

  • Example 2: If you are looking for a new kitchen and you tell us, when you visit the DIY partner and you "touch2win" we will text you the very best offer on the day, there and then, this may be a one off managers special that will not be available to non registered shoppers.

  • Example 3: If you wear size 6 shoes and you tell us, when you visit a participating shoe shop or clothes store and you "touch2win" we will send you the latest discounts or offers that may be available specifically for shoes in YOUR size.

  • Example 4: Whilst shopping in a participating Supermarket and you "touch2win" we can send you a special discount code or "2 for one offer" on the foods you have told us are your favourites. If you like Italian pasta or you prefer spicy Indian food, we can send you an offer to specifically tempt YOUR taste buds.

Don't worry if you haven't completed a questionnaire for a specific outlet! You can still get "touch2win" offers when visiting the store, they just won't be specific to your preferences! So as you can see, a little time spent telling us what YOU like, means greater benefits for YOU.